7 Reasons Why Companies Should Take BYOD Seriously
‘IT Consumerization’ — where employees are allowed to bring their personal devices into an enterprise, is the talk of the town. The blending of personal and business use of technological devices is being brought into action by gen next and it is high time that your company implements a BYOD process to be ahead of the curve. But the top management may ask, what does a BYOD initiative exactly do for my company? So here we are giving the Top 7 reasons that can help you make a decision on BYOD implementation.
1.Happy Employees = Hefty Profits
There has been an increasing desire amongst employees to get their own devices which they are extremely comfortable accessing. According to an article by Bizreport on consumer mobility trends, 60% of employees give more importance to mobile phones than a cup of coffee! By letting employees bring their own device to the enterprise, you enable their satisfaction and productivity, thereby seeing a great improvement in employee retention rate and an increase in profits.
2. Saving Money = Making Money
A good smartphone that can support your company’s applications + monthly cellular and data plans make for a big dent in the pocket when it comes to your enterprise’s budget. A BYOD strategy eliminates these costs for your business, leaving you with a bigger budget to spend wherever your company needs it. Ergo, naturally one of the biggest reasons to adopt a BYOD policy is the savings you make out of the same.
3. Instilling trust = Increased Responsiveness
While this might not be a direct trackable ROI technique, BYOD does help in plating the idea that the company really trusts its employees as individuals. Also when an employee experiences such freedom, what indirectly comes as a by-product is a massive increase in employee responsiveness. People carry around their devices with them at all hours of the day, everywhere they go. For you, that means that you have an employee that is always connected to work, should the need arise.
4. Up-to-date-devices = Leveraging technology to potential
Do you know what’s the problem with buying the latest model of a mobile phone? It starts outdating in a couple of years. As a company, keeping up with the best in technology may result in fleshing out a considerable amount of money. However, that isn’t a problem when it comes to employees; most people can keep up with the latest devices more easily than a company ever could, especially since they don’t have to adhere to IT-inventory-refresh budget schedules. Therefore when employees bring the most up-to-date device to your enterprise you can leverage the newer features and better operating systems to your company’s benefit.
5. Facilitating BYOD = Reaching Non-desk workers
Since your non-desk workers aren’t powered with desks or phones, they often feel left out of the information loop. By facilitating BYOD, you’ll be able to reach all of your employees, no matter where they are, on a device that’s very likely already in their pocket. Also, private devices have created such a stronghold in the mind and pockets of the people, that no matter what one tries, private devices will be used for work.
6. Reduced Pressure = A breather for support teams
If you carefully plan a BYOD program, both in terms of policy compliance and security; it definitely eases the overall pressure on support teams. Many companies have seen a massive reduction in device breakage since employees are now made responsible for their own devices. A BYOD strategy dramatically reduces the pressure of ensuring that devices are continually updated. As updating corporate software on a small/big scale proves to be a huge drain on IT and support staff, when end-users are given the freedom to update device software as and when it’s needed, the need for large-scale coordination or worrying about the latest IOS update automatically disappears.
7. A modern business landscape is Cloud-Focused
As tech giants and startups find new ways to organize, process and present data, cloud computing will become a more and more integral part of our lives. BYOD policies go hand-in-hand with the cloud philosophy. Most leading applications today support mobile devices, which translates to your employees having access to advanced work tools, no matter which place or what time zone they are in. Ergo by facilitating a BYOD program, what you are also doing is, preparing your company for the future.
Listening to your employees is quintessential. By proactively deploying a BYOD program with proper policies, your company can enjoy the proven benefits of allowing your workforce to work on their own device. It also frees you from an additional oversight of maintenance thereby saving you ample time and money. However, security breaches and inappropriate usage are the underlying risks of this tech trend, which one needs to understand. Therefore, take your time in building a great BYOD policy which is hardwired to success, but don’t give this worldwide tech trend a miss.